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Pharmaexpressrx will notify you by email as soon as your order is shipped. This notice will give you an estimate of the number of days within which your order will arrive. In case your delivery is delayed beyond a time or lost you are advised to contact us by email at customersupport@pharmaexpressrx.com mentioning your phone number and the order details.
A Customer Support representative will get back to you with the courier's tracking number for the shipment and the directions for using this number to learn the status of your shipment. If the courier is unable to locate your shipment and give you an expected delivery date, the delivery guarantee for the pharmacy will take into effect. It will immediately investigate the status of the case and contact you or reship the order again with no additional charges, or else refund your total purchase cost.
Refunds will be made by electronic credit charged back to your initial source of payment. We will credit full amount back to your credit card account in case of lost shipment.
Once an order is placed, you will receive two notifications- one from our payment processor, acknowledging the receipt of your payment, and the other one will be from Pharmaexpressrx, acknowledging the receipt of your order thereby sending you a copy of the detailed invoice.
In case if you do not receive these emails, check your junk or spam folder on your email. Still, if the emails are not there in your junk or spam folder it should be considered that your order was not registered into our system and hence it cannot be processed and shipped.
Within 1-2 business days of your order, you will receive a notification from our Shipping Department, advising that your order has been shipped, with average delivery time within 25 business days.
Once you have placed the order, our payment merchant will notify you about the successful transaction within 24-48 hours. This notification should be regarded as a final approval for the payment.
Within 1-2 Business Days of your Order Approval, we will ship your order and we will send you the shipping details.
This notice tells you the date we shipped your order and average delivery in 25 business days.
Pharmaexpressrx is located overseas and hence all shipments originate from there and are flown to their respective destination. Express shipment are employed for shipping all orders. Express shipment means that the consignment is traceable and can be tracked.
During this entire stretch, it is possible to track the package, with the courier tracking number provided by the express shipment company. The courier tracking number is provided by pharmacy, once your parcel is shipped. This facility helps you to keep a close-watch on the movement of your shipment, towards its final destination. The entire shipping process is traceable and hence the customers can get their parcels right at their door-step as per their convenience and without any hassles.
In case it is not possible for you to sign and collect your shipment at the probable date of arrival of your shipment, you can certainly leave a note on the door directing delivery to a neighbor, who can sign for the package on your behalf.
If no one can sign for the delivery on your behalf, Express courier will leave a note with shipment number and a contact number so that you can call them and arrange for the delivery. It is to be noted that, we do not make delivery at Post office box.
If for any reason your order fails to arrive within 21 days of estimated time or it is unable to locate your shipment, you should notify the pharmacy about this at the earliest.
We will get back to you with the courier's tracking number for the shipment and directions for using this number to learn the status of your shipment. If the package is not located, the credit will be charged back to your credit card, equal to the amount of your purchase, or a replacement shipment will be sent to you.
If the package cannot be located, please see the first section of this page for information about our Delivery Guarantee.
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