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Generic xenical

$1.25 / per Pill

  • Active Ingredient: Orlistat
  • Average Delivery: 25 days
  • Strength(s): 120 mg
  • Expire Date: 15/10/2026
  • Brand Name: xenical
  • Shipping: World wide

Generic Xenical (Orlistat) - Overcome Obesity(Orlistat)


Generic Xenical (Generic Orlistat) is a medication used by obese people for the weight loss or to maintain the weight. It includes Orlistat as the active constituent. Generic Orlistat is used by the people for weight loss, who want to get in shape and remain away from the problems like diabetes, blood pressure, and heart disorders. Generic Xenical (Generic Orlistat) targets the fat absorption in the body. Reduction in the deposition of fat is absorbed by the regular intake. Users of the generic Orlistat had stated that results obtained are satisfying and has proved to best weight loss medication. Generic Xenical was found to be effective in the individuals, regardless of the age.
120 mg
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504 Pill (120 Mg)
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($1.25 Per Pill)

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The medicine contains Orlistat as the active ingredient that works by inhibiting the enzyme pancreatic lipase. This enzyme is responsible for the conversion of the triglycerides into the fatty acids. It stops the production of the enzyme pancreatic lipase in the body. As a result, triglycerides are not converted into the fatty acids. Thus, these undigested triglycerides are of no use to the body and are thrown out of the body.
It does not affect the appetite of the individual so there is no effect on the urge of eating. In simple words, generic Orlistat do not allow the consumed food to get converted into proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Hence, generic Xenical promotes the weight loss.


Recommended dosage of this drug is 60 mg thrice in a day. Dosage of this drug can be increased depending on the individual requirements and the time in which you want to lose the weight. Dosage can be increased up to 120 mg thrice in a day, but strictly under the doctor's guidance. Dosage of Generic Orlistat should be taken with the full glass of water because it helps the drug to become effective fast. Avoid taking generic Xenical overdose because it may lead to too much weight loss that may cause Shaking of hands and legs, weakness, dizziness, and drowsiness.
It may also lead to the coma or sudden cardiac arrest if you continue to take this drug in excess for long time. Take this pill 1 hour after every meal. If you skip any meal in a day, please do not take it. The diet plan and regular exercise should be followed with the dosage to the see the weight loss in the short duration. Please remember that fat content of your daily diet should not be more than 30% of your total daily caloric intake. Buy generic Xenical online today to lose those extra pounds within the short span of time.

Side Effects

  • Steatorrhea a form of diarrhea in which oily or fatty stools are observed in the user . Steatorrhea was observed only during the first few dosage of generic Orlistat.
  • Sometimes the orange of brown colored oil is found in your stool
  • Increase in the number of bowel movements
  • It showed stomach pain in 2% of users
  • Nausea and vomiting was observed in some individuals
  • Teeth or gum problems were observed in 0.1% users of generic Xenical
  • Cold and flu symptoms
  • Itching and rashes on skin
  • Headache
  • Gas with discharge


  • Women who are pregnant or breast feeding the child should avoid the generic Xenical because some adverse effects were observed.
  • People should not use this medication if they are consistently having the problems in absorbing food (chronic malabsorption) .
  • Avoid eating excessive food when you are using generic Orlistat because it may increase the side effects related to stomach and intestine.
  • Diabetes patients should consult the doctor before taking this drug because reduction in the blood sugar level was observed.
  • People having the history of kidney stones or pancreatitis should take the doctor's advice regarding the intake of generic Xenical.
  • Doctor's instructions must be followed about the intake of multi-vitamin or mineral supplement along with the this weight loss pill.
  • Avoid excessive intake of generic Orlistat otherwise it may lead to the adverse effects.


  • Please take this pill as prescribed by the doctor.
  • Pregnant and breast-feeding women should avoid the intake of generic Xenical
  • Please avoid the intake of generic Xenical along with the drugs- Cyclosporine, Digoxin, Fat-soluble Vitamin Supplements and Analogues, Glyburide, Nifedipine, Phenytoin, Warfarin, Pravastatin because these drugs either increase the side effects or sometimes reduce the effects of drug and delay in the weight loss is observed.
  • Children below 12 years of age should not be given this pill.
  • Please visit you doctor regularly while on generic Orlistat so that he can check you for the side effects and benefits.



Customer Reviews

Average Rating :

I had been obese for almost 8 years and nothing helped I tried controlling my diet but was of no use.. all because I relapsed from the routine. However, I am determined and would not relapse from the course. But unfortunately no results made me lose hope and as I was about to relapse again I met with my doc and she recommended generic Xenical. Combination of exercise, controlled diet and the medicine proves effective and I lost around 3 and half pound in almost 4 weeks.

I use generic Xenical and do rigorous exercises daily. I include moderate-weight exercises with repetitions till failure and eat in moderate amount. I would also praise this drug as it paced up my weight loss. And to inform you, people who saw me after a month's gap were amazed to see my transformation.

I have been using this medicine for 3 months. I was like 14 stones in weight and had to reduce it as it was causing professional and health issues. I used Generic Xenical as instructed by my family doc and also included certain exercises in my daily routine and I was also on a strategized diet planned by my dietician it all worked and I feel quite healthy now.

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