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‘General Health’ News

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Waklert 150 Treats Excessive Sleepiness and Promotes Wakefulness

Waklert 150 Treats Excessive Sleepiness and Promotes Wakefulness

Tuesday, November 12, 2024 6:46
  Waklert 150 mg is a medication that contains armodafinil, a wakefulness-promoting agent. It treats excessive sleepiness in people with conditions like: Narcolepsy–a chronic sleep disorder causing overwhelming daytime drowsiness. Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA)–where breathing stops and starts during sleep,...
social media addiction leads to ED

The Linkage Between Social Media Addiction and Sexual Dysfunction

Tuesday, June 11, 2024 10:05
In America, a conservative estimate suggests that about 10% of Americans have an addiction to social media, amounting to 33.19 Americans based on the population data of 2021. The figure was just 5% in 2005. By 2021, 72% of Americans...
Health Advice- Simple Tips to Improve Resistance Power

Health Advice: Simple Tips to Improve Resistance Power

Thursday, February 4, 2010 7:56
Resistance power is the necessary element to safeguard health from the attack of diseases. The resistance power is like the army of the country that works to protect you from the foreign bodies. Depending upon the overall health status, the...
Simple Tips to Cope With Depression

Simple Tips to Cope With Depression

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:17
  Depression is a major depressive disorder that is noted to widely spread all over the world. It is an abnormal psychological disorder that disturbs the mental balance of the individual. Biological, social, and psychological factors play a role in...
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Fitness Tips to Cure Impotence

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:09
Maintaining the optimum fitness level is a key to cure impotence. Many of the scientific research have proved that men who maintain the best fitness level very rarely face the problem of the impotence. The problem of the impotence is...

Which Is the Best Impotence Treatment?

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:07
Impotence is the sex-related disease that has ended sex life of millions of men. Men are said to suffering with impotence, when they fail either to achieve the erection or sustain the erection during the sexual activity. There are various...

Fitness Tips to Combat Stress

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:07
Maintaining fitness to the optimum level is the need of time. If your fitness level is good then you can easily combat the stress. Due to the unhealthy lifestyle and tensions the level of stress is found to be increased...

Simple Tips to Stay Fit

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:05
With the help of some tips you would be able to attain the optimum fitness level easily. Fitness is easy to maintain if you live a disciplined and planned life. You need to balance your family life and profession life...

Fitness Tips: Economical Ways to Remain Fit

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:05
Money is very important factor in the life and especially in the time of recession, so everyone wants to do as much savings as possible. But, nobody can mess with their health and to remain fit is the need of...

Exercise Daily to Live Longer

Thursday, January 28, 2010 4:00
Exercise, done regularly, is an easy way to increase longevity of your life. It has been observed during the study done by the American Health Institute the men or women who exercise habitually are found to live longer than other...