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Mack’s Real Life Story: How he saved his marriage?

Posted by on Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 20:32
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Mack is a gym instructor in the “Stay Healthy” gymnasium located at the Mississippi, US. He was a very much fitness freak and has won the gold medal in the US bodybuilding competition, 2006-2007. The hard work and dedication put by the Mack has paid him, he is endorsing number of health products in US market. Previously no one use to know Mack, but now he became a style icon. Youngsters were the diehard fan of the Mack and everyone wanted the physique like him. He even had the large number of female fan following because of his hunk looks.

Many girls use to ask Mack for the marriage but he loved only one girl, Samantha, a Latin-American girl who he loved from the high school days. On the Eve of Valentine, Mack decided to propose Samantha, and the answer was certainly, yes. Samantha also liked him but, both of them were quit shy so were not able to share there feelings. There wedding ceremony was a grand affair with all the high profile guests attending the ceremony. Mack and Samantha both were really happy about there decision of marriage and planned to go for the honeymoon to the Las Vegas.

Honeymoon is the most romantic phase of the human life. Mack and Samantha were very much anticipating about there honeymoon when they reached Las Vegas. They hired a honeymoon special suit in the J.W. Marriot. Both of them took a bath and were ready for the act. Mack picked Samantha up with his strong hands and kept her in the middle of the bed. Samantha closed her eyes, as Mack started to remove her clothes one by one. Within few minutes she was completely in her birth suit. Then she removed the Mack’s boxer and both of them were now ready for the best sexual ecstasy of their life. During the sex when Samantha was going to enjoy the orgasm, Mack lost his erection. That was really a very embarrassing condition for Mack. But, still Mack was able to go through it without any special notice from Samantha as she was too much involved in the sex.

Few months of marriage passed, but Mack was really finding it difficult to maintain the erection during the sexual activity. Because of this Mack started refraining from the sexual activity. Samantha was surprised by the Mack’s behavior, but didn’t gave it too much of the consideration. But, day-by-day the condition started becoming worse. Mack use to get angry whenever Samantha used to even talk about the sex. Now, even Samantha understood that Mack was having some problem during the sexual act. There relationship was on the verge of divorce. Samantha wanted to help the Mack, but he was not at all ready for it. Mack was feeling humiliated, and was not having any option for overcoming his problem. After 2 years, Samantha filed a petition for the divorce against the Mack.

Mack loved Samantha a lot and didn’t want to lose her. So, one day Mack decided and went to the family physician to discuss his problem. He went to the doctor and opened his heart. Doctor really felt pity of Mack’s condition. The doctor first asked Mack to share the problem with his wife. Mack thought doctor has gone mad, and will surely make their divorce to happen. But, still doctor forced Mack to tell Samantha about his condition. Once and for all Mack called of Samantha for a last meeting, she was not ready, but still Mack was able to convince her. They met and Mack told Samantha everything about his problem. Samantha was really felt sad about him and told him that if he would have shared this problem earlier with her, the condition of divorce wouldn’t have arisen.

The next time they both visited the doctor’s clinic. The most important chapter of the Mack’s life was going to begin in the doctor’s clinic. Doctor told him that he should first stop the intake of the steroids completely, and to avoid the heavy weight training. Mack told that these things are his source of income. Doctor still insisted that if you don’t do this then it would be very difficult to get the sex life on track. He also prescribed him some medication that will help to enhance his stamina during the sex. It was due to the doctor’s advice that the Mack today is able to enjoy his sex life to its fullest. Samantha has now taken back the divorce petition. Soon Mack and Samantha will now be proud parents, Samantha is 6 months pregnant. Certainly because of the doctor’s advice the Mack’s marriage is saved.

Moral of the Story: Too much of exercising is bad for health and certainly devastates the sex life of the men. So, guys be fitness oriented, but don’t be fitness freaks.